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From the 1996 album Venus Isle

This jazz-influenced instrumental track is featured on Eric Johnson's Venus Isle record, but I first came across a live version of it on the G3 album, and that is the most popular recording of this track. The main motif is played using octave chords and takes inspiration from the style of jazz guitarist Wes Montgomery. Though the line is fairly simple, the use of echo subtlely adds extra intricacy to the melody, such that if you hummed the resulting tune you would be adding to the actual guitar part.

The track is broken up into several sections and includes 2 great solos, including some really fast licks, and a break down over which some tasteful slide guitar is played. In places Johnson makes his guitar sound harp-like with his pick harmonics, a technique he is renowned for, and something that adds the finishing touch to a very classy performance.
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